- April 3, 2025; 5:30–7PMAida Yuen WongNathan Cummings and Robert B. and Beatrice C. Mayer Professor, Brandeis University
807 Schermerhorn Hall
Parc Oriental de Maulévrier, France; photographed by Aida Yuen Wong, 2024.
- April 17, 2025; 5:30–7PMAmy McNairProfessor, University of Kansas
807 Schermerhorn Hall
Xu Sangeng (1826-1890), face of seal reading “Difeng, style name Yuesheng,” ca. 1880, soapstone, 5.5 x 5.5 cm, Zhejiang Provincial Museum.
Past Lectures & Symposia
- March 10, 2025; 1:00–2:30PM
403 Kent Hall, Columbia University
Fuji Pilgrimage Mandala (Fuji sankei mandara); Edo period, seventeenth century; hanging scroll, ink and colors on paper, 178.6 x 144.6 cm; Shōeiji, Aichi Prefecture, Japan (in the care of Kaguyahime Museum, Shizuoka, Japan).
- February 18, 2025; 6–7:30PMYoshikawa MihoCurator, Tokugawa Art Museum
807 Schermerhorn Hall
Portrait of Honda Heihachirō (Important cultural property); two-panel folding screen; Edo period, 17th century;Tokugawa Art Museum.
- November 15, 2024; 5:30–7PMHans Bjarne ThomsenInstitute of Art History, University of Zurich
807 Schermerhorn Hall
Anonymous, “Oh, for the Blessings of Tranquility.” Woodblock print, ink and colors on paper, 1855. National Museum of Japanese History, Sakura, Japan.
- October 31, 2024; 5:30–7PMAlexandra MunroeSenior Curator at Large, Global Arts, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and Foundation
807 Schermerhorn Hall
Installation view : Art and China after 1989: Theater of the World, Guggenheim Museum, 2017. Photo: David Heald.
- October 3, 2024; 5:30–7PMIgnacio AdriasolaAssociate Professor of Art History, University of British Columbia
807 Schermerhorn Hall
Enokura Kōji. Quality of Wetness, 1970. Gelatin silver print, 16.2 × 24 cm. Art Institute of Chicago. (Photo-documentation of a work originally presented at Space Totsuka ’70.)
- September 13, 2024; 5:30–7PMCynthea J. BogelJapanese Art and Buddhist Visual Cultures of East Asia
807 Schermerhorn Hall
Main Hall altar from the east; Yakushiji, Nara.
- April 4, 2024; 5:30–7PMMia Yinxing LiuAssistant Professor, History of Art, Johns Hopkins University
807 Schermerhorn Hall
Hadachi Osamu at work in Yungang, Cave 19. 1939; Photo in Nagahiro Toshio, Unkō nikki Taisenchu no bukkyo sekō chiyōsa, 雲岡日記:大戰中の仏教石窟調查 (Yungang Dairy: War-time Expeditions to Buddhist Grottoes), Tokyo: NHK Press, 1988.
- March 28, 2024; 5:30–7PMRachel SaundersAbby Aldrich Rockefeller Curator of Asian Art, Harvard University Art Museums
807 Schermerhorn Hall
Sakai Hōitsu 酒井抱一 (1761-1828); Birds and Flowers of the Twelve Months (Detail from Tenth Month); Edo period, c. 1820-1828; Set of twelve hanging scrolls; ink, color, and gold on silk; Promised Gift of Robert S. and Betsy G. Feinberg, Harvard Art Museums.
- February 8, 2024; 5:30–7PMTakeshi NoguchiCurator, Nezu Museum
807 Schermerhorn Hall
Suzuki Kiitsu (1796-1858); Mountain Streams in Summer and Autumn; 19th century; pair of six-panel folding screens; ink and color on gold-foiled paper; Nezu Museum. - November 30, 2023; 6–7:30PMMasaaki Arakawa and Frank FeltensVisiting Professor from Gakushuin University and Curator of Japanese Art, National Museum of Asian Art
807 Schermerhorn Hall
Ogata Kenzan (1663-1743) and Ogata Korin (1658-1716); Square dish with design of Eight Bridges (1712-16); glazed earthenware with underglaze drawing in iron; National Museum of Asian Art.
- October 9, 2023; 6–7:30PMTakuro Tsunoda and Chelsea Foxwell
807 Schermerhorn Hall
Mitsutani Kunishirō; Flowers, circa 1910; oil on canvas; private collection.
- May 4, 2023; 6–7PMSamuel C. MorseHoward M. and Martha P. Mitchell Professor, Amherst College
807 Schermerhorn Hall
Dainichi; Kamakura period, late 12th century; Shinnyo-en, Tokyo. - April 20, 2023; 6–7PMJulie Nelson DavisProfessor of the History of Art, University of Pennsylvania
807 Schermerhorn Hall
Katsushika Ōi (ca. 1800–1860); Yoshiwara at Night, ca. 1850; woodblock print; Ōta Museum of Art.
- March 29, 2023; 6–7PMMasatomo KawaiProfessor Emeritus, Keio University and former director of Chiba City Art Museum
807 Schermerhorn Hall
Sesshū Tōyō (1420–1506); detail from "Splashed Ink Landscape" (Haboku sansui zu), 1495; ink on paper; Tokyo National Museum.
- December 13, 2022; 6–7PMSamuel C. MorseHoward M. and Martha P. Mitchell Professor, Amherst College
807 Schermerhorn Hall
Unkei (d. 1223); Miroku with the Hossō Patriarch Muchaku and Seshin (Maitreya with the Hossō Patriarchs Asanga and Vasubandhu); Kamakura period, dated 1212; North Octagonal Hall, Kōfukuji, Nara.
- October 13, 2022; 6–7PMAlfreda Murck
807 Schermerhorn Hall
Teapot with black peony blossoms and date of 1913; porcelain; British Museum.
- April 28, 2022; 6–7PMJan StuartMelvin R. Seiden Curator of Chinese Art, Smithsonian's National Museum of Asian Art
Detail from Spring Morning in the Han Palace, twelve-panel lacquer screen; Qing dynasty, Kangxi reign, 1672; Freer Gallery of Art, gift of Charles Lang Freer, F1906.42.
- October 7, 2021; 6–7PMNamiko KunimotoAssociate Professor of Art History, The Ohio State University
Katsura Yuki, Gonbe and Crow, 1966. Copyright Katsura Akinari, Courtesy of the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo.
- May 14, 2021; 8–10PM
“National Border Tokara Archipelago: Deserting Islands” by Takuma Nakahira from the March 1977 issue of Asahi Camera © Gen Nakahira
- April 8, 2021; 6–7PMTalia AndreiAssistant Professor of Art History, East Asian Studies, Wesleyan University
Nachi Sankei Mandara; 16th-17th century; hanging scroll, ink and color on paper, 59 7/8 x 64 3/4 in.; Gitter-Yelen Collection, New Orleans.
- February 4, 2021; 6–7PMAaron RioAssociate Curator of Japanese Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Chinese Sages (detail)
Japan, Momoyama period, late 16th-early 17th century
Pair of six-panel folding screens; ink on paper
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Purchase, Mary Livingston Griggs and Mary Griggs Burke Foundation Fund, Gift of Florence and Herbert Irving, by exchange, and Brooke Russell Astor Bequest, 2020 (2020.359.1, .2) - January 21, 2021; 6–7:30PMReiko TomiiIndependent Scholar, Curator, and PoNJA-GenKon Co-director
Shinohara Ushio, Oiran, c. 1966. Fluorescent paint, lacquer paint, and acrylic sheet on canvas mounted on board; 26.5 x 26.3 x 3.7 cm. Private collection (formerly collection of Naiqua Gallery/Miyata Kunio). Photo © Gilbert Plantinga.
- December 2, 2020; 6–7PMPengliang LuAssociate Curator of Chinese Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Vase with elephant-headed handles (detail); Yuan (1271-1368) - Ming (1368-1644) dynasty, 14th to 15th century; Bronze, H. 11 in. (28 cm); The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Purchase, Barbara and William Karatz Gift, 2019 (2019.264).
- October 29, 2020; 6–7PMMaggie MustardIndependent Scholar
Anrakuji Emi, untitled, from the series IPY (2007/2008), C-Print, 16.5 x 12 in. Courtesy the artist and Miyako Yoshinaga Gallery, New York.
- February 13 and 20; March 5 and 26 (to be rescheduled in 2022); and April 2, 2020 (to be rescheduled in 2023): 6–7PMSamuel C. MorseHoward M. and Martha P. Mitchell Professor of the History of Art and Asian Languages and Civilizations, Amherst College
807 Schermerhorn Hall
FEB 13 AND 20; MAR 5 AND 26 (CANCELLED); AND APR 2, 2020 (CANCELLED): 6–7PMDetail of Unkei (d. 1223), Mujaku bosatsu (Asanga), National Treasure; Kamakura period, ca. 1212. Wood with polychromy and rock crystal eyes. Kōfukuji, Nara.
- November 21, 2019; 6–7PMRyūsuke MasukiAssociate Professor of Art History, Kobe University
807 Schermerhorn Hall
Detail of Butsugen Butsumo (Buddhalocani), National Treasure; Heian Period, 12th century; ink and color on silk; 197 x 127.9 cm; Kōzanji, Kyoto.
- November 7, 2019; 6–7PMAlice TsengChair and Associate Professor of Art History, Boston University
807 Schermerhorn Hall
Ceremony at the Shishinden Viewed from the Shomei Gate, 1928; color lithograph; ink on card stock; 8.9 x 14 cm; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
- October 24, 2019; 6–7PMLei XueAssociate Professor of Art History, Oregon State University
807 Schermerhorn Hall
Sun Kehong (1532-1610), detail from Copying Model Books; handscroll, Ht. 27.9 cm. National Palace Museum, Taipei.
- September 26, 2019; 6–7PMMenno FitskiHead of Asian Art, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
807 Schermerhorn Hall
Japanese Chest, ca. 1635–1645; lacquer, gold and silver foil, crystal, copper; 63.5 cm x 144.5 cm; Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
- April 30, 2019; 6–7PMEvgeny SteinerJapan Research Centre SOAS, University of London
Evgeny Steiner, Hokusai Manga, published in Russian, 2017
- April 23, 2019; 6–7PMEugene WangAbby Aldrich Rockefeller Professor of Asian Art, Harvard University
807 Schermerhorn Hall
Hungry Tigress Jataka panel, from the Tamamushi Shrine, c. 650, Hōryū-ji Treasure House, Hōryū-ji, Nara; lacquer on wood.
- April 13–14, 2019
Tosa Mitsuoki (1617–1691). Portrait-Icon of Murasaki Shikibu. Edo period (1615–1868), 17th century. Hanging scroll; ink and color on silk; 35 5/8 x 20 3/4 in. (90.5 x 52.7 cm). Ishiyamadera Temple, Shiga Prefecture, Courtesy of Ishiyamadera Temple, photo
- March 28, 2019; 6–7PMMasako WatanabeIndependent Scholar
807 Schermerhorn Hall
“New Herbs (Wakana)” from the Tale of Genji; Tosa Mitsuyoshi (1593-1613); album leaf; ink, color, gold, and gold leaf on paper; Kyoto National Museum
- February 27, 2019; 6–7PMAsato IkedaAssistant Professor, Fordham University
807 Schermerhorn Hall
Fujita Tsuguharu, detail from Events in Akita, 1937. Oil on canvas, 365 x 2050 cm. Hirano Masakichi Foundation. Tsuguharu Foujita © 2016 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris.
- November 27, 2018; 6–7PMAnne Nishimura MorseWilliam and Helen Pounds Senior Curator of Japanese Art Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
807 Schermerhorn Hall
Mandala of the Hosso School (late Heian–Kamakura periods, 12th century); panel; ink, color, gold, and silver on silk; 89.2 x 58 cm; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Fenollosa-Weld Collection, 11.4053
- April 17, 2018; 6–7PMJoan KeeAssociate Professor of Art History, University of Michigan
612 Schermerhorn Hall
Image credit: Yook Myung-shim, c. 1966
- March 29, 2018; 6–7PMMelanie TredeVisiting Professor, Professor of Histories of Japanese Art and Head of the Institute of East Asian Art History Centre for East Asian Studies, Heidelberg University
934 Schermerhorn Hall
Detail from Taishokan Narrative (early seventeenth century), manuscript dismantled and pasted onto a folding screen; ink, gold and color on paper. Private collection, Japan.
- February 14, 2018; 6–7PMAaron RioAndrew W. Mellon Assistant Curator of Japanese and Korean Art, Minneapolis Institute of Art
612 Schermerhorn Hall
White-robed Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva Gazing at the Moon (detail), Kenchōji, Kamakura, 15th century; hanging scroll from a set of 32; ink on silk.
- November 9, 2017; 6–7PMFrank FeltensAssistant Curator, Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery
612 Schermerhorn Hall
Unkoku Tōgan, Landscape, Muromachi or Momoyama Period, 16th century. Ink, gold, and tint on paper. Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.: Gift of Charles Lang Freer, F1907.134
- October 17, 2017; 6:30–8PMNobuo Tsuji and Takashi Murakami
The Italian Academy 1161 Amsterdam Avenue, Columbia University
Photo by Naohiro Tsutsuguchi (Shinchosha) ©2009 Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
- April 20, 2017; 6–7PMAkira TakagishiVisiting Professor, Tokyo University
612 Schermerhorn Hall, Columbia University
Detail from Konda sōbyō engi emaki, 1433
- April 13, 2017; 6–7PMYeewan KoonAssociate Professor of Art History, Hong Kong University
612 Schermerhorn Hall
- April 4, 2017; Reception 5–5:30PM, Lecture 5:30–7PMNara Yoshitomo
Schermerhorn Hall 8th floor; Stronach Center
- December 7, 2017; 6–7PMChin-Sung ChangProfessor of Art History, Seoul National University
612 Schermerhorn Hall
Detail from The City of Great Peace, early nineteenth century, Korea. Eight-panel screen, ink and colors on silk, 113.6 x 49.1 (each panel), National Museum of Korea, Seoul.
- December 1, 2016; 6–7PMProfessor Michio YonekuraDistinguished Atsumi Visiting Professor
612 Schermerhorn Hall