Current Graduate Students

  • Suhyun Choi

    Transnational Socialism, Decolonial Worldmaking, and the Development of Modern Art in Korea

  • Philippe Depairon

    Philippe examines the relationships between shifting socioeconomic conditions, the articulation of Japan as a nation, and landscape painting in the early modern period.

  • On-Tsun Fung

    On-Tsun studies early modern Japanese ink painting and is particularly interested in how ink painters in Japan negotiated their relationship with their Chinese counterparts.

  • Yuri Handa

    Lens Across Boundaries: Ogawa Kazumasa (1860-1929) and His Photographic Journey in Meiji Japan

  • Meng-Hsuan Lee

    Shop-House, Verandah-Arcade, Decorated Façade: An Excavation of Commercial Architecture in Japanese Colonial Taiwan

  • Xiaoyang Ma

    Xiaoyang's research focuses on the art of early Middle period China, with a particular emphasis on the workshop system for funerary art production, the construction of sacred spaces in North China, the rock-carving tradition in East Asia, and the cultural exchange between China and the Sassanian Empire.

  • Walsh Millette

    Walsh is interested in avenues of exchange between pre-modern China and Japan, especially as they touch on ideas of space, place, architecture, and the painting genre of jiehua.

  • Sehyun Oh

    The Land Surveyors from the Outside: Documentation of Immigrants in an American Northwest Environment by Kyō Koike and Iwao Matsushita, c. 1920-1940

  • Misaki Sanui

    Misaki studies early modern Japanese art, with a particular focus on the various modes of production and reception of ceramics and other art objects within the material culture of chanoyu.

  • Yeongik Seo

    Timeless Nostalgia: Hasegawa Tōhaku (1539–1610) and the Formation of Momoyama Aesthetics

  • Kanako Tajima

    Between Tokyo, California, and New York: Feminist Transnational Art Practice by Women Artists from Japan in the 1970s-1980s